
We offer a complete line of orthodontic services for kids and adults. At any age, we can straighten crooked smiles and make them look beautiful. We also offer Invisalign. Complete, braces-free, solutions for those that may be uncomfortable with the appearance and limitations of traditional braces.

Young Child Orthodontics

At an early age we can help direct your child’s first set of teeth to grow into proper position so that when their adult set of teeth develop, they will be in much better alignment.

Child and Adult Orthodontics

Kids can start our orthodontic program as early as as 7 or 8 years old. We are a full range orthodontic provider and can place you or your child in braces (clear and silver), retainers, tooth positioners, Invisalign trays, and more. Adult patients are also welcome. Our adult orthodontic program is specificaly desiged to meet the needs of patients over the age of 18.